Hi Everyone!
A warm welcome to the June newsletter, and hello to new subscribers. A special hello to readers who’re here via the Making Zen Online Retreat. It was a fun week, wasn’t it?!
It’s such a pleasure to write this newsletter each month; I especially enjoy finding “things you might enjoy” to include. This month I’m doing something new: I’m switching on the comments. I haven’t used this feature yet, as I migrated this newsletter over from Mailchimp, which is more of a marketing platform and doesn’t have comments. After sending newsletters I always get nice emails, often with good ideas in them, so I’m opening up the opportunity to respond publicly.
So please feel free to “Say G’day” , leave a thought or make a recommendation.
Indigo Dyed Xanthea Top Course
I’m doing another exciting collaboration with Kate Ward. This course combines learning how to create special fabrics using indigo with sewing a zero waste Xanthea top.
The cost of the course is US$97 and consists of on-demand modules to watch immediately or whenever suits you.
Accompanying this, there are 3 Zoom calls which start on the 16th of June. We’ll meet and discuss our projects, and Kate and I will answer any questions. The calls are on Fridays in the afternoon/evening for North America, late evening for Europe, Saturday mornings for Aussie/NZ, and are recorded. In our last collaboration, these Zoom calls were a highlight! Lots of fun, so interesting, and very inspirational. If you’re on Facebook, there’s also a private group to share your progress.
Imminent: New Zero Waste Skirt Pattern
A new skirt pattern is in the works, with everything one could want from a skirt: big pockets, adjustable waistband, variable length, enough leg room to get into a high-lift ute or ride a bike, good for summer or winter fabrics, 20 sizes and zero waste.

I’m hoping it will be ready this month or early July.
This will be the last zero waste pdf pattern I’m doing for a while - after this I’m knuckling down to finish off A Year of Zero Waste Sewing.
Some things you might enjoy
A conversation on climate change and fashion retail led to finding this article. Brands and retailers are affected by unseasonable weather and are apparently moving towards presenting collections which are disconnected from seasons - could this redefine the entire retail apparel market?
Hat making in the 18th and 19th centuries used mercury, with accompanying health issues for hat makers.
A fun gallery of historic flight attendant uniforms, including some Pucci ones for Qantas.
The Secret Life of the Sewing Machine (30mins), part of a series of documentaries on how things work. A highlight is the huge human-powered sewing machine. The video is remastered from the 1980s, with a conversation at the end with the original presenter.
Zero waste patterncutting and optimising pattern efficiency is on H&M’s radar, although they are far from unleashing its full potential.
Afghan fashion designer Samira Yama, now living in Australia, got her burqa transformed into two cocktail dresses.
YouTube videos by Below5Petite, showing easy zero waste patterns and clothes alterations.
The proposed US Fashion Act would make retailers responsible for the entire life cycle of their products.
Are you looking for zero waste patterns? Zero Waste Design Community has a directory, and spreadsheet of zero waste patterns can be found here.
South Aussies:
On June 15th is a in-person talk by Leonie Bessant on making Arthur Boyd’s New Parliament House Tapestry. It looks great - Leonie will also talk about other projects and tapestries by The Australian Tapestry Workshop. It’s hosted by the David Roche Foundation in North Adelaide. Book here.
Entries for handicrafts for the Royal Adelaide Show are closing on the 23rd of June.
On the blog lately
A roundup of the past month’s blog posts from my website, lizhaywood.com.au.
Feel free to subscribe to my blog for weekly posts direct to your inbox, however, if you don’t need more emails in your life, I always do a roundup here.
We went to Hummocks Station for the weekend for the Knit-Spin-Weave fibre craft retreat. There was batik, drop spinning, an indigo vat, painting and more.
I reviewed Birgitta Helmersson’s new book Zero Waste Patterns, and made a very successful shirt from the book.
A pink nightie, made from an old sheet using a zero waste Viking-era pattern.
Wrapping up Me-Made-May 2023, with some reflections on my pledge and a gallery of the whole month.
From the blog archives
Fashion student grad collections have sure changed over the past 32 years. Here’s mine from 1991. Brace yourself for those shoulder pads!
Liz x
Will be excited to see the pattern for that delightful skirt!